Sarah Woodbridge

Classroom Teacher

As an advocate for the power of words, Sarah cannot stress highly enough the importance of reading. However, in order for children to become fully literate, she believes it is also important they have a real understanding of their cultural heritage and to learn about and respect the heritage of those around them and the rest of the world.

Teaching Biography

Sarah is in her third year of working at Bassett House School. Previously, she worked at Eaton House School. She adores working in Form 6 and preparing and supporting the children through the 11+ exams. As well as sharing her love of English, she is a committed humanities teacher with a particular interest in history. Sarah believes in the inherent ability of every child to access this knowledge, and so recognises the importance of teaching to the top.
Having taught for a couple of years after leaving university, she dabbled in the world of corporate strategy, took some time off to raise her children and returned to the marvellous profession once her children were settled at secondary school. She is knowledgeable about the 11+ process, not only because her own children have been through it but, she has ‘lived it’ for many years as a former consultant for The Good Schools Guide and a contributor for School House magazine.

Personal Biography

Sarah grew up in Kenya and her soul inspiring places are either in the bush or on the beach. Vocational service runs deep in her household; her husband is a former army officer, now working for NATO, her son is a junior officer in the British Army and her daughter, a teacher.
She owns a Bengal cat called Askari (meaning soldier in Swahili) and a Maltese-Chihuahua cross called Bibi – who is the one true apple of her eye!


  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons)
  • Master of Arts
  • Post Graduate Certificate in Education

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